What is Stopping Your Company From Starting an Effective Wellness Program?
Austin, Texas: I get calls each day from companies that have been considering starting or running a wellness program.
Many of them have been in the “considering” or “planning” stages for several years.
For many organizations, they just keep throwing band aids at their wellness program plans – and just do one-off events.
Some will sponsor a walk one year and never bring up the subject again.
Some will hand out imprinted pedometers.
Some will bring in a nurse or doctor for a presentation.
But very few kick off a full and complete wellness program that includes education, behavioral modification, incentives and coaching.
What’s keeping you from implementing your wellness program?
It is not difficult and it does not have to be perfect.
Get input from your staff.
Involve senior management.
Announce the program.
Educate your employees on why they should change some of their unhealthy behaviors.
Set measurable goals.
Create incentives.
Follow Up.
Listen to feedback.
It is that simple.
When are you going to announce the start of your wellness program?