Sweatworking: The New Way to Network in a Wellness Society?
Sweatworking: Networking for the Wellness Generation?
Austin, Texas: I just read about a new concept in the wellness world: Sweatworking.
I love the name and what it is all about–networking while working out and getting fit– at Zumba classes, at the gym, at a park, etc.
If your organization is promoting wellness, why not encourage and reward sweatworking activities.
Be pro-active in encouraging employees to meet, socialize and work out together.
Sponsor sweatworking activities in your area and your organization can be at the forefront of this craze– and attract like-minded healthy audiences– that can help show that your organization is a thought leader in wellness.
Position your company and help attract more health-conscious employees by getting involved in sweatworking “happy hours”.
Send all levels of management to these events, as well as other employees, to meet others and share best practices in wellness.
You can learn what other companies are doing in regard to fitness and wellness programs, and how they are getting their employees involved.
Networking in bars and hotels may not be going away any time soon, but sweatworking can be a fun way to meet and interact with the wellness community in your town.
Have you been involved with any sweatworking events?
I’d love to hear about them. Write me at the email below so we can feature you in an up-coming blog.