New Year’s Resolutions For Brands

  • Dec 12, 2019

Here are tips and tricks you, your organization and/or your business can use in 2020, to make sure there is fun and success all around!


When one year ends and a new one begins, individuals, organizations and companies are reflecting on what has worked/what hasn’t and planning on how to do even better come January 1. 


However, when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions, less than 25% of people stick with them, and only 8% of people fully follow through with them.


For brands that are trying to sell products/services, build up hard-working teams and spread awareness, that is just not going to work! So, in order to make sure these goals stay in the front of minds and at the top of to-do lists, consider the following tips and tricks.


Be Mindful

Being mindful of resolutions is, of course, a good way to remember them throughout the year. You may write them down on a memo board by your next, save them as a note in your phone or set aside time each week to work on them.


Mindfulness goes beyond remembering, though, and it is actually a practice that is on the rise and that will be trending in 2020! It is especially important for professionals to make sure they are taking time for themselves, in order to de-stress and unwind.


Whether you squeeze a stress ball, do some yoga or take a CBD-infused bath every night, make sure self care is happening… or those resolutions may not.


Have Check-In Times

Another way to stay on top of goals is to check in on them regularly, and this is a must for businesses; there are so many people who have so many responsibilities, and everyone needs to come together to build each other up, stay on the same page and gauge how to-do lists are going. 


Accountability is a big part of resolutions, so whether these are related to your personal or professional life, let someone else know about them. Be honest about them. And help each other reach them!


Do Some Good

Need an idea for a goal in 2020? Wanting to mix it up, to avoid getting stuck in a rut? Then do some good, such as volunteering or donating.


About $5 billion is raised each year with workplace giving, but doing good does not have to mean a financial contribution. Your team can wrap presents during the holiday season, do a fun run to raise awareness, spend time at a soup kitchen, collect needed items for certain charities… The list goes on and on, and this is always a smart option.

brand awareness

Embrace Adventure

When people return to work in January after the holiday break, it will be all hands on deck. Everyone wants to start the year on a high note, and for some, there is no break at all. 


That being said, it is easy to understand why goals get left on the backburner. With schedules and tasks and deadlines and life, it can be tough. And not all goals can be met. Things will go awry. Hiccups will happen. So… embrace adventure!


This means knowing that the copy machine will jam right when you need it most yet laughing at the problem instead of getting mad about it. This means knowing that a flight may get delayed and using this time to explore a new city. This means knowing that there will be some late nights that lead to missing quality family time and making it up to them with a weekend getaway. 


In 2020, when it comes to resolutions and life in general, be open to new possibilities. 


Give It Your All

Lastly, give it your all. Put those goals up where you can see them all the time, and truly work to reach them… then take it even further. From day-to-day activities to the biggest moments of next year, be the best you can be, in order to make it a great one. 

business success 


  • Category: Wellness Reminders
  • Tags: New Year’s Resolutions, work, office, goals, corporate goals, business resolutions