New Study: Using a Pedometer Increases Fitness for Senior Citizens
Using a pedometer increases walking by seniors by an average of 50 minutes per week, according to a new study.
Austin, Texas: According to a new report, using a pedometer might motivate sedentary older adults to fit more walking into their daily routines.
Researchers found that giving older adults a pedometer along with exercise advice seemed to work better than advice alone — at least as far as encouraging “leisure” walking. That refers to things like walking to the store instead of driving.
After a year, participants in the pedometer group had increased their strictly leisure-time walking by 50 minutes a week, on average.
“Leisure walking is seen as a manageable form of physical activity for older adults, and hence should be more actively encouraged,” said Gregory S. Kolt, a professor at the University of Western Sydney in Australia, who led the study.
Any organization that caters to senior citizens should be giving a free pedometer to its members– whether it be a retirement community, fitness center, local coffee shop, wellness center or so on.
Imprinted pedometers wholesale for $2-$3 each for a good quality pedometer, as you can see at this link of imprinted pedometers from
Not only will a branded pedometer keep your name in front of your senior customers for years, but it will help them improve their level of fitness by encouraging them to walk more often.
Pedometers are an easy way to track and measure steps, so it can encourage senior citizens to reach certain “step goals” each day.
If you are a retailer, offer an imprinted pedometer free with a minimum purchase or as part of a loyalty reward (such as free after 4 purchases of coffee, etc).
Hand out free pedometers at health fairs, investment and insurance seminars and community wellness events.
Keep seniors more active by getting them moving more frequently.
Here’s to Healthier Seniors!