New Goals to Include in Next Year's Wellness Program
Don’t be Satisfied with Your Present Wellness Program. Keep Adding Health Goals to Your Plan.
Austin, Texas: I know many wellness directors are excited that their CEO finally let you implement a wellness program.
Whew! That sure took longer than you expected. Now all you have to do is let it ride for a a few years and hope the program’s budget doesn’t get cut.
Unfortunately, that is the attitude at too many companies –and it is a losing proposition — as well as a defeatist and self-fulfilling ones.
Your wellness program should be continually evolving — and constantly improving.
Re-evaluate your wellness plan at least every six months to see what targets you are hitting and which ones are not getting traction. Then find out why.
Like any program, your wellness program is a work in progress.
Once you see which areas are not showing improvement, you must do interviews with your employees and dig deep to find out why not.
Also, conduct interviews to see what other areas of wellness, health and fitness your employees would like to address.
Continue to expand education on exercise, smoking cessation, and diet– but seek to add other health ideas and new goals to the mix.
Start thinking a little outside the box to include:
Stress Relief.
Anger Management.
Mental Health.
Calorie Reduction.
Alcohol Management.
Take the next fifteen minutes and think about 10 other health and wellness goals you can help your employees to reach – then see how you can include those into next years’ wellness program.
It will add vitality to your wellness campaign and reinvigorate it.
Let me know what new goals you are adding. I’d love to include them in an upcoming blog.
Here’s to a Healthier Workforce.