Is Fear of Change Stopping You from Implementing a Corporate Wellness Program?

  • May 7, 2013

What is Holding Back Your Company’s Wellness Program?

Austin, Texas: Is your wellness program still stuck in neutral?

Is management still delaying implementation of your wellness program for a variety of reasons?

Are you still doing a wait-and-see to see how the Affordable Care Act will affect your wellness program?

There is never a good time to implement a new wellness program if you worry about all the potential and imaginary problems.

But you will usually be satisfied that the program has been implemented once you look back.

People are creatures of habit and will fight hard for the status quo -rather than to spend the time and bite the bullet to step up to any new program-including wellness programs.

We have the same problem here at Wellness Incentives Plus. I have been arguing for over a year for the need to buy and implement a totally new software program that will save us thousands of dollars in man-hours each year– easily off-setting the costs.

However, the fear of change and the worry about integration has been causing delays and excuses...with no end or resolution in sight.

So I just ordered the software this morning and we’re going for full implementation within 60 days. I brought in a temp to help with the integration and we will be up and running soon.

Is fear of change holding you back from implementing your wellness program?

If so, break down this fear into the smallest components–in order to get to the real problem.

Fear of change can be overcome if you look at the big picture.

Look past this fear and think about the positive health benefits that your employees will receive from your wellness program.

Look past this fear and picture how much money your organization will save by running a wellness program.

Look past this fear and envision a wellness program that grows over time to fit your needs – and the needs of your employees.

Look past this fear to imagine how much better your organization will be served with a wellness program.

Now, what is stopping you from kicking off your wellness program?

  • Category: Wellness Programs
  • Tags: overcoming objections for a wellness program, starting a wellness program, tips to starting a wellness program, Wellness Program