Incorporating Wellness Into Your Everyday Life
Use the following branded items to make health and wellness part of your everyday life.
Being well, overall, is important. Our bodies need exercise, nutritious diets and rest/relaxation, in order to stay in tip-top shape.
While getting to the gym and avoiding fast food restaurants can be a struggle for some, there are numerous other ways to incorporate wellness into our everyday lives. From what is going on around us while we work and what products we put into our homes to the steps we take to unwind at the end of the day, here are some tips and tools that can promote healthier lifestyles.
Essential Oils & Humidifiers
Essential oils can boost health and wellbeing, and humidifiers add moisture to the air, which can help with treating dryness, a cold and even the flu. By keeping these around, we can stay zen and recharged, create more comforting spaces and fight off illness.
USB Diffuser for on-the-go aromas
Bali Portable Humidifier/Diffuser to add comfort to your surroundings
iMist Essential Oil Diffuser for cleaning the air around you
Reusable Straws
Hydration is key, and a smart way to drink water throughout the day is with a reusable straw. These are portable, can be kept with a person easily (such as on a keychain or in a bag) and help protect Mother Earth, which, in turn, can lead to better overall benefits (regarding health, wellness and much more) for everyone!
Retractable Straw that comes with a case, brush and carabiner
Silicone Straw that folds up to fit back into its carrying case
Candles can also provide stress-relief, whether for working professionals in an office or a person who is finally home after a long day; they give off a warm glow, for an inviting ambiance, and they can contain scents that restore and rejuvenate.
Serenity Concrete Candle that clarifies the mind and heightens the senses
Aromatherapy Candle that is infused with essential oils and comes in a tin
Bath Bombs
The perfect way to de-stress and to heal is with a bath bomb! Warm baths are already soothing, and when ingredients such as mint, lavender, CBD and green tea are added in, as well… It is almost too good to be true.
While any individual would greatly appreciate and use the items listed out here today, organizations and businesses should consider them, as well, since these can be handed out as swag, given as client gifts or offered as employee incentives. All the while, a brand can be promoting themselves (since each product can be imprinted with names/logos) and promoting wellness!