Determining ROI of Your Corporate Wellness Program

  • Nov 8, 2011

Just about any company that wants to create and implement a wellness program will need to justify its expense in the form of return on investment (ROI). As companies continue their belt-tightening, how can your organization prove the value of its wellness program?

There are two popular wellness ROI calculators available to help with the number crunching. Simply plug in your data to determine the programs impact on the bottom line.

The first one was developed by National Committee for Quality Assurance and it requires answers to such questions as size of work force, salaires of employees, income earned, etc. – so be prepared for a complex, yet informative tool. This Wellness ROI calculator can be found here.

The second Wellness ROI calculator is at the link on the left from Well steps.

Both ROI calculators can save hours of time – and make justifying your wellness program expenditures a breeze.

Here’s to a healthier workforce.

  • Category: Wellness Programs
  • Tags: determining ROI of a wellness program, figuring ROI for wellness programs, ROI of wellness program, wellness program ROI, wellness ROI calculator