April is Stress Awareness Month. How Will You Celebrate this With Your Employees?
Austin, Texas. Stress is a part of every day life and everybody deals with stress in their own way.
Some exercise.
Some eat.
Some smoke.
Some blow up.
Stress can wreak havoc in our lives if it is not dealt with properly.
Lack of sleep.
Increased hypertension.
Loss of productivity and concentration.
Greater fatigue.
Job related stress is a significant factor in wellness and employee performance. Job stress is defined by NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health) as “the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker”.
Princeton Survey Research Associates says … problems at work are more strongly associated with health complaints than are any other life stress (more so than even financial problems or family problems). According to The Families & Work Institute, 25% view their jobs as the number one cause of stress in their lives.
Yale University said that 29% of those surveyed were “quite a bit or extremely stressed at work”.
A Northwestern National Life survey said that 40% of workers surveyed indicated their job is “very or extremely stressful”; 75% of employees believe the worker has more on-the-job stress than a generation ago.
The American Psychological Association reports that 62% of Americans are stressed out. The rest of us may be too stressed to realize it.
Now is the time to talk to your wellness clients and prospects because 1 in 4 Americans admits to having taken a “mental health day” in a given year. Stress reportedly costs employers $602 a year per employee. A whopping total of 275,000,000 working days a year are lost due to stress.
Employers can do something about stress.
In fact, we have hundreds of low cost promotional wellness and stress relieving items, from yoga mats and yoga related items, stress relief balls , stress coping guides and more at WellnessIncentivesPlus.com.
Stay well – de-stress yourself and let your client’s enjoy a link to this You Tube Video — and see for yourself our newest stress relieving product, a virtual office spa.
Happy Stress Awareness Month!
Here’s to a Healthier Workforce.