Sponsoring a 5K or 10K Company Running Race Team is a Great Wellness & Fitness Idea

  • Nov 5, 2012

9 Tips to Consider Before Sponsoring a Company Running Race Team

Everyone is a winner when you sponsor a company race team for a local 5K or 10K event- WellnessIncentivesPlus.com

Austin, Texas: While running in my second race in the past month, I was so excited to see how many organizations have been sponsoring company-wide running teams.

What a great idea to improve fitness and wellness at your company – as well as to create greater awareness of wellness issues.

Here are some proven ideas to consider when sponsoring a running race team for your company:

1) Survey Your Employees: You can probably survey your employees and see how many people are willing to run in either a 5K or 10K race (or both). You may find that you even have marathoners or triathletes among your company — which might encourage you to sponsor some of those teams, as well.

2) Spread the News: Spread the news on Facebook, on Tweets and in your newsletter – as well as through other existing channels of communication.

3) Award Participation: Award points for participation, points for completion – and points for having members of the team come out and support their fellow runners. There is nothing better than having someone cheer you on while you are on your last legs and needing a mental and spiritual boost to keep on going.

4) Get Training: Have a local wellness coach, gym or a veteran runner come in and teach a few classes on running exercises, running tips, warm-up and post-run stretches, etc. A little knowledge in running can improve performance and shorten their post-race stiffness and soreness.

5) Get Matching T-Shirts: Start an in-house competition a come up with a fun name– then a team logo. Order bold imprinted T-shirts with your company name on them (preferably with wicking properties) and have a few team meetings before the race.

6) Get C-Level Participation: Be sure to get several C-Level executives to participate in the runs–either as a runner or as a cheerleader. This support is crucial to your race team – for this race and others down the road.

7) Have a Post-Race Party. Celebrate success! Encourage success! After all, everyone’s a winner if they cross the finish line–regardless of their race time.

8) Take Photos: Be sure to take a lot of pictures and post them on your company website and Facebook page.

9) Rinse & Repeat: If you continue to promote these race teams, the number of participants should keep on growing.

In addition, as runners start to see your corporate name on the T-shirts of runners in front of them, your HR team might be pleasantly surprised at the number of fitness-minded prospects apply to your company. Fitness begets more fitness.

Show your community that you actively care about wellness and reap the benefits of happier and healthier employees.

Here’s to a healthier workforce.

  • Category: Wellness Programs
  • Tags: company running race team, organizing a company running team, sponsoring a race team, Wellness incentives