Simple Tips To Make Your Health Fair More Effective

  • Jun 20, 2013

Ideas on How to Make your Health Fair More Effective

Austin, Texas: I love health fairs.

I sell a ton of imprinted pedometers, imprinted health guides and imprinted stress reliever squeeze toys and squeeze balls.

But are health fairs effective for you?

How do you determine their effectiveness?

Do you measure their success by the number of people who showed up?

Or by the number of gimmes you handed out?

Or do you have a solid and pre-determined goal for your health fair event?

Without knowing your goal, you can never tell how successful your health fair was – or even ways to improve them for future events.

The key to a successful Health Fair: Determine Your Goal.

Are you trying to schedule appointments for your clinic?

If so, make them on the spot.

Don’t wait for them to call you to set up an appointment as they are right in front of you then and there.

Why wait? Take action.

Are you trying to educate your audience?

If so, how do you expect them to remember what you had told them?

  • Are you giving them a short quiz with a reward at the end?
  • Handing out a promotional item with your website on it?
  • Distributing handouts with your website or Top 10 Tips?

Are You Trying to Encourage Your Audience to Take Action on Their Own?

Do you want them to remember to take their pills each day?

If so, make it easy and give them an imprinted pill organizer.

Do you want them to practice better diabetic foot care? How are they supposed to remember these details? Do you have a website link that you can provide them?

Think like your patients or guests– and see what would be the simplest way to remember the vast amount of information you just provided to them.

Are you trying to show off your new facility?

What are the three most important things you want these guests to remember about this visit?

Are you trying to get them to make an appointment? (see step one above.)

Are you inviting members of the media to this event for a tour?

If so, what experts do you have in attendance for them to interview?

Are these experts prepped with key words and phrases that flow from their tongues?

Make your health fair more effective by pre-planning your goal or goals – and working to reinforce them the entire time.

Here’s to more meaningful and successful health fairs!

  • Category: Health Fair Ideas
  • Tags: health fair gimmes, health fair ideas, health fair promotional items, health fair swag, health fair tips, health fairs, imprinted pedometer, promotional products for health fairs