5 Ways to Relax at Work (Without Leaving Your Desk)

  • Nov 12, 2020

Even while at your desk (or couch), you can use the following items to slow down, breathe and de-stress.


Whether we are working from home, in an office or on site, we are bound to experience some stress. There are gifts and steps, though, that can be used in our workspaces, in order to help promote relaxation.


custom infusion bottleHave a drink.

When those feelings of frustration and/or anxiety first pop up, step away from what you are doing and get a drink of water. Specifically, an Infusion Bottle, filled with fruits or mint, can hydrate in a fun way.


Write it out.

Journaling is a great way to get thoughts and feelings out, so consider keeping a Wellness Journal at your desk. Whether it is used to write down what is eaten throughout the day, used to track goals or used for doodling during long meetings, it will come in handy!


Do some stretches. 

A go-to mode of relaxation is yoga, and Yoga Mats can allow people to stretch and/or meditate, while having their laptop right next to them.branded yoga mat


Turn to tea.

Speaking of tension, stressed-out professionals can create a sense of calm with Relaxing Teas, which are also smart and yummy to have around the office.


Create some ambiance. 

A final tip is to light a Tranquility Candle, which can be a reminder to breathe in...breathe out... 

  • Category: Fitness Ideas
  • Tags: custom infusion bottle, wellness journal, branded yoga mat, relaxing tea, tranquility candle, relax, stress, work, employees