5 Heart Health Fair Ideas
5 Heart Health Fair Ideas to Make Your Health Fair a Success
Austin, Texas: What are the keys to a successful heart health fair?
I have boiled them down to 5 simple steps. These health fair ideas will help you to get the best results with the maximum impact:
1) Determine Your Goals
What are you trying to get participants to remember?
Keep it simple. One or two goals max–or you will just confuse the attendees at the health fair.
2) Educate
Again. keep it simple.
Use charts and informative pocket guides that they can take home with them.
What are the one or two heart health ideas or take-aways that you want them to learn?
The importance of a heart healthy diet?
The value of exercise?
Educate in a variety of ways. Some people like facts and figures.
Others prefer videos and/or pictures. Some like stories.
Incorporate a variety of tools to reach the widest audience and for maximum impact.
3) Motivate and Inspire
People love heart-shaped promotional items and other gimmes when they come to health fairs–so be sure to have ample supplies.
Use these promotional items to promote your core goals and a link to a website and phone number. If you are catering to an older audience, be sure the phone number is large enough to read easily.
4) Ask for an Action Step
Heart health fairs are fun. But they will be useless unless you ask for an action step and get each person to agree to do it.
The action step can be to exercise three times a week for 20 minutes. Or to eliminate sugary drinks. Or to stop smoking. But get them to write down their action step and commit to it for 30 days.
5) Follow up
How will you follow up with these people. Unfortunately a single health fair is not enough. People need constant reminders.
Let them know how to follow up and make it simple.
The follow up does not necessarily have to be in person–but it should be easy to attend–phone call, webinars, Skype, etc.
But without constant follow up, the impact on your health fair attendees will decrease dramatically with each passing day.
These 5 health fair ideas should help you to simplify your next heart healthy health fair.
Stay on message with and keep it fun.
Here’s to a happier and healthier community!